
Instructions for Watching Fighting Chicken Legs to Choose a Brave Cock

See the fighting cock’s feet helps cockfighting enthusiasts evaluate whether the fighting cock is good or not. The strength of a fighting cock depends a lot on its legs. However, there are still many cockfighters who do not know how to accurately read a fighting cock’s legs. The following article 789 BET will guide you in viewing the legs of fighting cocks in the most detailed way.

Look at the fighting cock’s legs through their overall appearance

The first point to evaluate a fighting cock is to look at the overall appearance of the legs. A chicken with beautiful legs must have complete legs, toes, spurs, scales, etc. All of these parts are free of defects and ensure that the chicken can move flexibly and comfortably.

See the size ratio of the fighting cock’s legs

In addition to the parts, size, looking at the proportions of the fighting chicken’s feet is equally important. Perfect proportions will help the cock be able to launch sharp kicks, defeating the opponent in the blink of an eye.

See the size of the fighting cock’s feet

The standard for chicken legs when watching fighting chicken legs is that they must have taut thighs, as big as frog legs beautiful fighting cock. This factor depends largely on the chicken’s genetics and training regimen. Large thighs will help the rooster unleash powerful blows and more painful damage.

Not only the thighs, but also the big legs also bring great advantages. The large lower legs will help the rooster be able to stand firm during both defense and attack.

See the proportions of fighting cock legs

If the chicken thighs are large, the chicken legs must be long to be aesthetically balanced. In addition, big thighs with long legs will save more energy on moving than big thighs with short legs. This helps the chicken create kicks with extremely intense force, creating kicks with great swing. Just try to think of how football players who are both tall and big have tremendous leg strength.

See the shape of the fighting cock’s legs

There are no documents recorded on how to look at fighting cocks’ legs by shape, but cockfighters often favor chickens with square legs and dragon scales.

Square legs will create sturdy angles, if the attack hits the enemy it will cause extremely strong damage. These square edges will help the fighter tear off the opponent’s skin and crest, causing serious wounds. Cockers can refer to this How to raise fighting chickens so that my chicken can have square legs.

Look at the fighting cock’s foot scales

In the world gamechicken, looking at the fighting cock’s legs through the chicken’s scales is considered the most important factor when choosing a fighting cock. This ratio usually accounts for 60-70% to evaluate the fighting ability of a chicken. For cockfighters with a lot of experience choosing chickens, this rate can be up to 80-90%. Therefore, if you are a chicken player or breeder of fighting chickens, you cannot ignore looking at the chicken’s foot scales.

Currently there are more than 100 different types of fighting cock leg scales. Among the well-known types of fighting cock scales, we can mention the scales of tan thien, scales of tan van, scales of three talents, scales of Phu Dia, scales of Van handle and scales of Song Phu Dao. All are scales that are considered famous and have incredible fighting power.

See the color of the fighting cock’s legs

Seeing the fighting cock’s feet through the color of the chicken’s feet is one of the important factors to determine the fighting cock’s ability and ability to deliver dangerous blows. When combined with feather color and eye color, the success rate in evaluating fighting cocks can increase to 70-80%. There are many specific examples of this criterion such as frog-eyed blue-legged blackbirds or chicken-beaked white-legged blackbirds.
See : Thể Thao 789BET

Chickens with two-colored legs are called hero chickens and can have any two colors. Some examples of fighting cock leg colors include:

  • White legged chicken
  • Green-legged chicken
  • Chicken with pointed feet
  • Gray chicken with yellow legs

Watch the fighting cock’s legs through the spurs

The spurs are an important weapon to increase the lethality of fighting cocks. In contrast to fighting cocks, utilizing spurs is very important. The way cockfighters often raise fighting chickens is to equip the chickens with many types of spurs such as knife spurs and iron spurs to increase fighting efficiency.

In cockfighting, a chicken with short spurs is an advantage, especially with older chickens. Not having to accept spurs or cover spurs helps chickens to attack their opponents, taking advantage of their health and experience to win. Chickens with long spurs will have to cover their spurs and wait for time to avoid losing their advantage in the match.

When looking at fighting cock legs based on spur criteria, color is often an important factor to consider. The spurs have unique colors like the sun and moon spurs with two different colors, often considered an important factor in creating spirit chickens or spirit chickens. In addition, white or black spurs are also popular choices for many chicken enthusiasts.


Information on how See the fighting cock’s feet has been analyzed in the most detail in today’s article. A chicken with good legs will need to meet all of the above criteria. Hopefully with the information to see fighting cock legs 789BET provided, the cockmasters will choose for themselves a satisfactory fighting cock.

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