Here’s a brief partial list and review of some popular CBD strains in Northern California. This is not a complete list of strains by any means, as many other strains have been developed in different locations. The tables and charts below are the results of sample lab tests run by the authors, not averages of the strains. Each plant is unique and can be a little different
AC/DC (aka ACDC, Oracle, C-6)
AC/DC has improved the lives of countless people. It is a direct phenotype of Cannatonic, meaning that it comes from a Cannatonic seed, one of the original “gold standards” of CBD purity from Resin Seeds in Spain. AC/DC has a 22:1 CBD:THC ratio (between 20:1 and 25:1) and is a cloneonly strain
Cannatonic (aka Canna Tonic)
Cannatonic was one of the very first CBD-rich strains, sparking the start of the CBD revolution. Cannatonic has become the grandmother strain that parented many of the subsequent strains showcased here. A complex and valuable strain that is responsible for much of the CBD awareness and CBD success stories, it was created by Resin Seeds of Spain in 2008. A cross between a female MK Ultra and a famous G13 Haze male, Cannatonic is a unique hybrid strain bred specifically for its low THC content (rarely above 6 percent) and its high CBD content (usually between 7 percent and 15 percent). Usually, flowers have a ratio between 1:1 and 2:1 of CBD: THC. Since it is grown from seeds, the offspring have a wide variety of CBD and THC content, and on a few occasions the ratio has been extremely high, in the 20:1+ range.Click here about Boots.
Canna Tsu (aka Canna Sue)
Canna Tsu is the result of crossbreeding Cannatonic and Sour Tsunami parents. It was developed in 2010 by Lawrence Ringo of SoHum Seeds (Southern Humboldt Seed Company). It is prized by many returning patients because of its medicinal effectiveness. Cannatonic’s popular and complex compounds, unveiled in an Indica dominance that is tempered by Sour Tsunami’s sativa-dominant soothing qualities, results in uplifting clarity for patients. Overall, it offers some of the best of the CBD-hybrid options and manifests with indica-like properties. It has many medicinal applications that include treatment of conditions that need higher CBD ratios, such as pain, stress, Crohn’s disease, ALS, inflammation, anxiety, and cancer. It can be used in an extract form for skin conditions, and added to beauty products and anti-aging creams. Its high beta myrcene content means it helps with sleep problems and has a relaxing effect.Enjoy your movies and series totally free here Prmovies
CBD Therapy (aka Therapy A)
This strain was developed by CBD Crew, an international project by Howard Marks (aka Mr. Nice), Jaime of Resin Seeds (Spain), and Scott Blakey (aka Shantibaba). Being very experienced breeders of the best cannabis for many years, they decided to work together to produce a line of CBD-rich cannabis strains that are specifically effective for medical marijuana patients. Of their seven CBD-rich strains, CBD Therapy had the highest CBD: THC ratio, averaging 24:1, available as seeds that have been feminized by CBD Crew.click here for more YouTube Video Downloads Y2Mate
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Test results verified a 2:1 CBD: THC ratio, rich in medicinal qualities. It’s very high in beta Miocene and beta-caryophyllene, providing both anti-inflammatory and relaxing tendencies. Laughter collaborated with Project CBD and Harbor side dispensary to help stock clones and dried flowers. It became popular in local dispensaries and quickly spread throughout California, providing an introduction to CBD for many. It is fairly easy to cultivate, has large trichrome-laden colas, has an eight-tontine-week flower cycle, and is available as a clone-only strain from California dispensaries.