Change your life forever

Get on your deathbed
A number of years ago when I was working with psychotherapist Devers Branden, she put me through her “deathbed” exercise. I was asked to clearly imagine myself lying on my own deathbed, and to fully realize the feelings connected with dying and saying goodbye. Then she asked me to mentally invite the people in my life who were important to me to visit my bedside, one at a time.
Stay hungry
Arnold Schwarzenegger was not famous yet in 1976 when he and I had lunch together at the Doubletree Inn in Tucson, Arizona. Not one person in the restaurant recognized him.
He was in town publicizing the movie Stay Hungry, a box-office disappointment he had just made with Jeff Bridges and Sally Field. I was a sports columnist for the Tucson Citizen at the time, and my assignment was to spend a full day, one-on-one, with Arnold and write a feature story about him for our newspaper’s Sunday magazine.warch new here country boys
Tell yourself a true lie
I remember when my then-12-year-old daughter Margery participated in a school poetry reading in which all her classmates had to write a “lie poem” about how great they were. They were supposed to make up untruths about themselves that made them sound unbelievably wonderful.
I realized as I listened to the poems that the children were doing an unintended version of what Arnold did to clarify the picture of his future.
Keep your eyes on the prize
Most of us never really focus. We constantly feel a kind of irritating psychic chaos because we keep trying to think of too many things at once. There’s always too much up there on the screen. There was an interesting motivational talk on this subject given by former Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson to his football players before the 1993 Super Bowl
Learn to sweat in peace
The harder you are on yourself, the easier life is on you. Or, as they say in the Navy Seals, the more you sweat in peacetime, the less you bleed in war.
Simplify your life
The great Green Bay Packer’s football coach Vince Lombardi was once asked why his world championship team, which had so many multitalented players, ran such a simple set of plays. “It’s hard to be aggressive when you’re confused,” he said.
Look for the lost gold
When I am happy, I see the happiness in others. When I am compassionate, I see compassion in other people. When I am full of energy and hope, I see opportunities all around me.
But when I am angry, I see other people as unnecessarily testy. When I am depressed, I notice that people’s eyes look sad. When I am weary, I see the world as boring and unattractive.more for know click here Facebook Account Hacked
Lastly Comment
Which world do we want to see today? Opportunity is life’s gold. It’s all you need to be happy. It’s the fertile field in which you grow as a person. And opportunities are like those subatomic quantum particles that come into existence only when they are seen by an observer. Your opportunities will multiply when you choose to see them.